Roofing Tips For Property Managers

1. INSPECT CONSISTENTLY – Roof systems must be inspected at least once a year, And after every major storm.

2. MAINTAIN THE SURFACE – The flat roof surface requires attention. You need to clear away snow in the winter, keep gutters free and clear of debris, and remove debris in the summer and fall. Excess debris can lead to rot and other issues as well as add stress elements to the flat surface.

3. REPAIR RIGHT AWAY – If a problem does occur with your flat roof, never wait to repair it. Waiting only ensures that the problem will excavate and could cause structural issues. Even if it is a minor tear in the flat surface, have it repaired. Most minor repairs can be picked up during your routine inspections.

Heavy ice and snow in the winter can be damaging. Have a professional remove snow build up to keep the excess weight off the roof.

If you notice mossy build up or grass growing on your roof, have a professional come out to inspect the roof and clean it. Grass will form roots that can grow into the roof causing leaks.

Keep trees trimmed away from roofs as much as possible. Falling branches will cause damage, AND even limbs that consistently brush the roof in the wind will wear it down. This type of roof maintenance includes keeping the gutters clear of debris as well.

7. CHOOSE THE RIGHT CONTRACTOR ( See Contractor Comparison Chart)
Are they licensed and insured?, Can they Provide references? Do they offer 24/7 emergency service? How do their warranties compare?

What Happens If Rain Season Causes Your Roof To Flood?

Flooding is a serious and costly threat to commercial properties, and many areas experience extreme weather conditions that can lead to roof damage over time.

What Happens If Your Roof Floods

What Happens If Your Roof Floods?

If your roof becomes compromised, leaks can begin to develop and increase your risk of experiencing a flood. Understanding the factors that contribute to your risk helps you know what to do if the rain season causes your roof to flood.

Knowing the Cause

The best solution to a roof flood can only be applied after determining the exact cause. This depends on the specific construction and materials used for your building. Many building owners learn that their flood issues are a result of the materials used in their roofing system. For example, flashings or seams on your membrane can leak from wear and tear, extreme weather, or incorrect installation.

These factors usually go undiscovered for some time. Having a professional inspect and evaluate your roof on a semi-annual or annual basis (especially after a season with a lot of snow that has melted or extreme cold weather which causes contractions and expansions) helps you determine the exact causes quickly, which will save you from more costly repairs in the future.

Even after proper installation, there is no question that poor weather conditions can cause severe damage to your commercial roof. A professional service company should be called in to assess the underlying materials as these can become damaged and also lead to leakage. Broken or worn skylights or roof flashings are also common causes of leaking and should be checked often by your roofing company.

Getting a Professional Evaluation

In most cases, the exact causes are hard to locate as the sites of leak can often develop far away from the actual cause. Regular professional maintenance is essential to the integrity of your roof as well as to maintain your warranty. Having an inspection gives you an opportunity to have a skilled expert examine all areas of your roof.

Many flat commercial roofing systems begin to deteriorate rapidly within 15 to 20 years after installation, resulting in leaks and different moisture issues. Your roofing company can easily uncover any damage or material loss. This is a valuable preventive measure that prevents more extensive damage to your commercial property.

Some of the things that the commercial roofing contractor may look for when investigating a leak include:

    1. Clogged drainage or water collection

If your commercial building has a flat roof that is not draining properly, water may start to collect if the broken drainage system is not fixed quickly. Blocked drainage is one of the most common causes for roof flooding and leakages. The collected water can add considerable strain to the roofing system, causing roof leaks and possible flooding of your interior.

The contractor will assess the roof drains, scuppers, gutters, and downspouts to clear the way for rainwater to flow freely off of the roof. If the existing drainage system is severely damaged and cannot direct the water properly, a little repair may be necessary.

    1. Damaged perimeter flashing

Roof leakages typically occur at the internal parapet walls or at the external edges of the roof, where flashings have been installed to prevent damage to the ends of the roof membrane cover. But if the flashing is poorly installed, damaged or becomes loose because of storms or winds, the edges of the roof cover can become exposed, allowing water and moisture to get past the roofing system and into the building.

Tears and breakages of the roof flashings are not unusual, considering the constant expansion and contraction of roofing systems as temperatures change from season to season. Damage to the flashings can cause deterioration of the entire roofing system, so they should be monitored for damage and fixed in a timely manner.

    1. Open roof penetrations

Penetrations include drains, pipes, gas lines hot stacks, vents, conduits, HVAC units, and other objects that pass through the roof’s membrane. By their nature, all penetrations are susceptible to leaks, and should be properly secured to prevent water damage to the roofing system.

The roofing contractor should thoroughly assess each and every penetration on the roof to ensure that they are prone to leaks. Roof penetrations can be kept water-tight with pipe boots, rain collars, pitch pans, field wraps, and flashing.

    1. Damage to the roofing membrane

Ageing of the roofing membrane can make the material susceptible to cracking, shrinkage, splitting, puncturing, and blistering, allowing water and moisture to pass through. Damage to the roofing membrane can also expose the roof’s insulation underneath. The main function of the roof membrane is to keep water from getting inside the building. So, it is critical that this membrane be in good condition to prevent commercial roof leaks.

If the roofing company is able to identify damaged membrane in time, they can repair it and avoid a costly full-scale replacement.


Some cases may require you to have the materials replaced completely, as with severe damage to the roofing membrane. If so, you need to make sure that the new materials and roofing systems are installed correctly. Re-installing an incorrectly applied roofing system can be expensive and time-consuming.

The Spring season creates a dangerous environment on your roof as snow is melting. Professional roofing companies ensure the highest level of safety for their workers and the occupants inside the buildings as well as the integrity of the roof.

This ensures that you get the best results with minimal risk of injury or damage. You can also have the materials and work warrantied to provide you with an additional level of protection from future roof flooding.

For more information, or to have your roof evaluated, contact our team today.

How To Void Your Manufacturer Warranty

Congratulations on the installation of your new commercial roof that, with proper maintenance, may last the lifetime of your business structure. Or at the very least, you will get to enjoy a few years of zero roofing maintenance costs owing to the long warranty that came with the new roof. Or maybe not!

How To Maintain Your Manufacturer Warranty

Many building owners only look at the length of the warranty without gaining proper understanding of the terms and conditions of the warranty. Failure to understand what is and what isn’t included in the warranty, as well as the conditions of the coverage can lead to unpleasant surprises later on.

As good as warranties seem to be, they are designed to protect the manufacturer more than the consumer. Manufacturers hire teams of lawyers to compose contracts that try to limit their own liability if and when a fault or problem arises concerning their product. As such, there are three questions you should ask yourself before you sign off on your roofing warranty:

What type of roof warranty am I getting?

  1. Manufacturer roof warranty vs. contractor roof warranty
  2. You can get a roof warranty from the manufacturer of the roofing material (manufacturer roof warranty) and from the company installing the roof (contractor roof warranty).

    Manufacturer warranties usually cover only the material, though some cover the entire roofing system. Most manufacturer warranties require the installing contractor to perform warranted repairs for a few years after installing a new roof. Contractor roof warranties, on the other hand, usually only cover workmanship, and not the materials.

  3. Labour-only warranty vs. material-only warranty vs. full-system warranty
  4. Labour-only warranties typically only cover the labour necessary to cater for a roof defect without including the cost of materials. They are offered by the roof installer, and are different from roof workmanship warranties, implying that they may not cover repairs pertaining to installation errors.

    Roofing-material warranties only cover the manufacturing defects and possible premature deterioration for the duration of the warranty; they do not cover the repair costs for leaks. Additionally, they only cover the roof membrane, but not other accessories of roofing systems such as the metal edges, flashings, adhesives, etc. As such, this type of warranty only covers the cost of materials to repair or replace the membrane.

    Full-system warranties cover everything, from the materials to manufacturer approved accessories, flashings, and metal work used in the original installation to the total cost of labour for leak repairs within the terms and conditions of the warranty. Some include workmanship cover, but not all manufacturers offer cover for poor installation.

  5. Workmanship warranty vs. labour warranty
  6. A roof workmanship warranty is the only protection you get from the installer against installation defects. Labour warranties only cover the costs involved in the repair of a defective roof, but not the cost of repairs associated with installation errors or failures. This is why it is critical that you get a reputable company to install your roofing system.

Ensure Your Roof Manufacturer Warranty

What does the typical roof warranty cover?

This depends on the type of warranty awarded. So, always go through the fine print and exclusions to know what is covered, and what may require an extra fee when fixing. Also, some types of coverage may require the installation of certain roof materials, such as high wind coverage or puncture coverage, increasing the overall cost of installation.

Some of the items that may be covered in your warranty include:

  • Roof leak repair
  • High winds
  • Puncture damage
  • Roof hail damage

Those not covered include:

  • Standing or ponding water
  • Consequential damages – interior/equipment damage caused by leaks, floods, tornadoes , fires, etc.
  • Existing moisture during installation
  • Replacement of your faulty roof

How can you void your Roof Warranty?

  • Not performing Regular maintenance – Regular maintenance will prolong the life of any roof. Think of it as an oil change, even when you buy a brand new car you still need the oil changed.
  • Not performing regular Inspections – This should be performed at least once a year, preferably twice. After winter preferably as is the most stressful season for any building envelope.
  • Not conducting additional inspections immediately after extreme hail, heavy rains, fires, etc.
  • Not assuring that your roof is kept clean and free of debris.
  • Not warning equipment servicemen going on the roof to be careful with their tools and materials. The smallest nail can puncture the roofing membrane causing voids for water entry into your building.
  • Allowing unqualified people or businesses to maintain your roof.
  • Allowing up traffic on the roof without ensuring qualifications.
  • Not taking a reactive approach to maintaining your roof.
  • Dealing with firms who will not stand behind their work! No product is better than the applicator.

If you are in the process of buying a new roof, make sure you read through the roof warranty and ask for clarifications where things are not clear to avoid costly surprises.

6 Things You Need To Know About Regular And Engineered Synthetic Roofing Underlayment

Underlayment is the layer of a roof beneath the roofing material and above the roof’s deck. Underlayment is an essential part of any roof – its main purpose being to provide an added seal and prevent leakage into your company’s building.

Roofing Underlayment

Roofing Underlayment

Here are six things you need to know about roofing underlayment:

    1. You may need to include a breathable underlayment in your roof

While the underlayment is designed to keep water from penetrating your commercial roof, your building may require a breathable underlayment. A breathable underlayment would allow water vapour to escape from the roof deck. Without a breathable underlayment, moisture originating from inside a building could accumulate in the roof deck – potentially causing serious problems.

Different types of underlayment materials vary in their breathability. An experienced roofing professional will be well equipped to determine the level of breathability that your roof requires.

    1. Underlay is available in various types of materials

The main types of different materials out of which underlay can be made are tarpaper, roofing felt, and synthetic material. Each of these materials varies in durability, water-resistance and breathability. An experienced roofing professional will be able to help you determine which material is most suitable for you based on your budget, the age and structure of your building, and the material you plan to you to use on your roof’s most outer layer.

    1. Your underlay must comply with relevant building codes

Building codes in many jurisdictions contain specific provisions governing roofing underlay. For example, in Ontario, the installation of underlay is required by the Building Code in specific circumstances. As well, in some jurisdictions, a certain level of breathability in underlay may be required. A professional roofer should be familiar with the relevant building code provisions in order to ensure everything on your roof is up to code.

    1. The method used to install the underlay is also very important

Different types of underlay require different installation methods and the use of different types of fasteners to secure the roofs various layers. The manufacturers of underlay material will generally produce installations instructions – these should be followed closely to ensure the optimal durability and water resistance.

    1. Engineered synthetic underlayment offers more customisation options

Engineered synthetic roofing underlayment is designed to address the requirements for specific applications. For instance, the underlayment used under asphalt shingles requires different criteria from that used for a concrete or clay roof tile. Tile underlayment is typically exposed to a greater volume of water compared to composition shingle underlayment since the latter is the main waterproofing component within that type of roofing system.

Metal roofing, on the other hand, demands an underlayment that is resistant to deterioration and has lower thermal bridging caused by exposure to temperature extremes. A slip-sheet may also be necessary for proper installation on metal roofs.

Direct-deck tile or natural slate installation requires greater abrasion resistance than composition shingle or metal roofing.

    1. The unique features of synthetic underlayment are offered by the polymer coating

The most widely used engineered synthetic underlayment is that developed from polyolefin composition. It comprises woven polyolefin material coated on one or both sides with a polymeric material – combination or variation of polyethylene and polypropylene. The polymeric material is not laminated or even combined with asphalt or paper, resulting in the superior features for different roofing applications.

Some of the physical properties of engineered synthetic underlayment include:

  • Inert:
    It does not absorb moisture or break down when exposed to harsh chemicals or weather conditions. It has superior UV resistance, and will not rot or dry out.
  • Flexible:
    It is always easy to handle even in cold temperatures, yet it does not stretch, expand, or become slippery in hot conditions.
  • High tensile strength:
    It is superior to SBS and felt underlayment, and does not require plastic caps for installation since “tear off” resulting from high wind is practically eliminated.
  • Lightweight:
    Engineered underlayment is up to 5 times lighter than type 30 felt. This means that it can be rolled in larger dimensions for improved coverage and safer installation. It is also more cost effective to ship and transport.
  • Slip resistant:
    Some polymeric underlayment have chemical coatings that offer slip-resistance, while other designs feature woven textures that don’t need extra coatings to make them slip resistant, plus they offer improved recyclability.
  • Produced in multiple dimensions:
    Engineered synthetic underlayment can be produced in a wide range of dimensions depending on the capability of the manufacturer. For instance, while standard felt is available in up to 36-inch rolls, synthetic underlay can be produced in up to 54-inch rolls.
  • Comes with foam laminated layer:
    This is necessary to boost insulation value and cushion for stacking clay and concrete tiles during installation, as well as to guard against thermal bridging for metal roof applications.

If you’re looking to equip your commercial building with proper underlayment, contact Empire Roofing today!

Your All-Encompassing Roofing Contractor Checklist

Installing a roof is one of those things that you may only do once in while in the lifetime of your business, so it can be hard to tell whether the job has been done right and satisfactorily. You are also probably unfamiliar with the right products to use, and the procedures that best address your particular commercial roofing needs. As such, it is important to know that you can trust the roofing contractor you select to offer you the best advice about the products and procedures that may be unfamiliar to you.

A Complete Roofing Contractor’s Checklist

Observe and Interview the Contractor

You cannot select the right professional roofer by simply comparing estimates and prices. You need some time to sit down with each contractor, whether it is the salesperson or contractor himself, so you can discuss the details of your roofing needs. The key is to find the right professional roofing contractor for your job, which you can assess through observation and interviews.

Good roofers take pride in their work, and this should be portrayed by the salesperson representing the company.

  • Does the salesperson/contractor show pride and enthusiasm in discussing previous roofing jobs?
  • Does the salesperson/contractor seem adequately informed about previous jobs? This should tell you their level of involvement in the actual roofing work.

Observe And Interview The Contractor

Other things to look for

The checklist below should help you check the experience, reliability, and reputation of a contractor, as well as their dedication to delivering the best roof system possible.

  • Does the contractor have a legitimate business location (not run out of a home/ pickup truck)?
  • What is the exact business location? Never use a contractor without a physical address. Additionally, a contractor with a nearby office should ideally offer better service and faster response time.
  • Does the contractor have office support staff for customers (is the phone answered by a secretary)?
  • Did the contractor make and keep scheduled appointments?
  • Did the contractor offer personal appointments / site meeting with the owner?
  • Are there service vehicles / reliable transportation?
  • Did the roofer come with a truck and ladder for the estimate?
  • Did the contractor assess degree of deck rot and condition? (rooftop inspection)
  • Was the time taken to explain / review quotation?
  • Did the estimator provide budget / material option?
  • Was the scope of work explained?
  • Were samples provided if asked for?
  • Was company literature provided?
  • Were photos taken?
  • Will contractor have work force capable of carrying out work?
  • Will contractor provide full time onsite foreman available for customer’s access?
  • Did quote specify means to address unknown work/ extra structural deficiencies should they arise?
  • Will manufacturer carry out final inspection upon completion of work?
  • Did contractor provide final inspection checklist?
  • Will contractor carry liability insurance of at least $2,000,000 and provide their policy number? A contractor should carry workers’ compensation insurance and comprehensive liability insurance to protect you in case a roofing accident occurs.
  • Was actual copy of WSIB certificate provided?
  • Is contractor a member of the NRCA (National Roofing Corporation)?
  • Is the contractor in good standing with the BBB?
  • Does the contractor provide 24 hour emergency service? How can you reach them? Will they provide their cell phone information?
  • Does the contractor provide follow-up questionnaire to ensure long term satisfaction?
  • Did the contractor include a copy of product a warranty?
  • Will the company be in business to honour their warranty? What is the proof?
  • Does the company have the financial capability to back their warranty?
  • Can the company provide customer references?
  • Does the contractor have a license? Is it current? Can they provide the number?
  • Has the contractor’s license ever been suspended? Why?
  • Can contractor show completed projects done locally with the type of material you want?
  • How does the contractor handle problems that arise on the job? You can find this out by requesting a referral from a previous job that had a complaint.

Workmanship warranty

Workmanship warranty is usually one year or more, though the length is less important than the ability or intent of the roofer to stand behind the warranty. This can be assessed using customer referrals. Ask the roofer’s customers these questions:

  • Did the roofers perform their work promptly?
  • Were they responsive when asked for changes?
  • Did they act as if they were interested in the interests of the customer?
  • Would they consider the company trustworthy?

Make sure the company’s workmanship warranty (for installation job) and the manufacturer’s warranty (for roof material) specifications are clearly noted in the contract.

Being confident that you have chosen a top-notch roofing contractor will help assure that you get the right roof overhead, that it is properly installed, and that your hard-earned money does not go to waste.

SAFETY FIRST – Field Operations will be Closed from March 21 to 24, 2016 for Empire Roofing Safety Fest 2016

At Empire Roofing, we recognize that in order to uphold our highest standards of safety for our employees and customers, a program of continuous safety improvement must be maintained.

Says President Ken Gascoigne, “Every day that my employees return home safe to their families is a successful day.”

commercial roof safety

For the past 11 years, we have closed the Empire Roofing offices for our annual week long “Safety Fest”. This year, our field operations will be closed from March 21 to 24.

During this year’s Safety Fest, our in-house safety instructors and roofing trainers from Firestone Building Products will be holding safety and roofing seminars and training sessions for all of our field employees.

“Our courses, classes and seminars change and grow with the roofing trade each year. Construction is a constantly evolving industry and we are striving to set a new standard for safety each year,” explains Safety Coordinator May Bchouti.

Topics explored at Safety Fest will include fall arrest, propane handling, aerial lift, first aid, material handling, injury and illness prevention, working with hot asphalt, fire prevention, proper use of personal protective equipment, fundamentals of roofing and much more.

Roof Safety

Roof work usually brings with it a series of safety-related challenges. About one in three fatal falls are related to a fall from heights. Prior to the commencement of any roof work, there is a rigorous safety evaluation that typically involves consultation with the client for any known safety issues or concerns as well as checking for signs of damage or corrosion.

Fall protection plans are routinely discussed and implemented. Employees usually employ safety gear such as fall restraints, guard rails and safety nets. Openings in the roof are barricaded, covered and labelled. There are set safety procedures for loading materials onto the roof and equipment is routinely checked for potential problems.

Safety is our Top Priority

With our employees and customers in mind, our safety program remains our highest priority. Empire Roofing prides itself in its professional work as well as it safety record. A company’s performance is tied to its safety record. The safety record is measured by how many injuries occur per 100 (full time) employees.

“Our impeccable safety record and culture of safety awareness is directly reflected in the number of loss time accidents and medical aids in the history of our company,” says Toronto Branch Service Manager Nada Tayar.

Empire Roofing takes responsibility for the safety of its employees as well as for its valued clientele. Safety plans and protocols are regularly reviewed with both employees and customers. All safety measures and protocols are designed to meet or exceed OSHA requirements.

All Empire Roofing employees must undergo a certification program in safety and are required to pass the exams in order to be certified. They must also take part in regular classroom training safety sessions conducted by safety specialists. Scheduled and non-scheduled inspections are conducted on site and managers conduct regular meetings with staff to discuss any safety issues that may arise at a job site. Accident trends, potential problems and post-inspection reports filed by safety inspectors are common topics of discussion during these safety meetings. Empire Roofing subcontractors are also required to familiarize themselves with our safety program. Contractors usually sign a form acknowledging that they have understood and will abide by the company’s safety policies.

Working Together: Early Assessment and Cost-Saving Measures

Company owners and managers should continually monitor their roofs for any potential signs of trouble.

Empire Roofing staff are trained to conduct a proper roof analysis to determine what actions need to be taken to remedy any existing or potential problems that are found.

Early assessment and detection is crucial to tackling issues before they happen. The result will be significant cost savings.

Click here to request a free quote

Treating The Roof Estimate Like a Job Interview

Treating The Roof Estimate Like A Job Interview

Hiring a commercial roofing contractor entails many steps, but the first step, the estimate, should be treated like a job interview. It is always a good idea to obtain at least three different bids from roofing companies. Adding a new flat roof to your building is a big investment, which also makes it a big risk, so you want to make sure you find the best fit.


The information roofing contractors provide and the way they act during the estimate process will provide you with a good indication of their overall professionalism, communication skills and level of experience.

The roofers’ bids should include the outline of the project, from start to completions dates. It should also include cost of labour and materials, warranties for materials, cost for permits, if required, and details about cleanup and removal of construction debris.

It is the responsibility of each roofing company to provide you with information regarding their qualifications, licensing, insurance, warranties and payment options. Don’t hesitate to ask roofing contractors questions or to ask them to clarify any conditions or clauses that you don’t understand.

Some questions you can ask the roofing company include:

How long have you been in business?

Do you have a list of references?

Do you have liability of insurance? Ask to see the certificate.

Can I have a breakdown of the costs?

Do you offer material warranties?

Do you offer a lien waver? A lien waver is a document from a contractor to a claimant stating that payments have been received and that any future lien rights to the property (of the owner) will be waived.

Is your company certified by a product manufacturer, such as Firestone Building Products?

How do you communicate with your roofing customers throughout the job?

How will the property be maintained throughout the roofing job?

It is also a good idea to do your own research. Look up the roofing company credentials online. Do they have their own website? Read customer reviews and testimonials and find out what their status is with the Better Business Bureau (A ratings are what you’re looking for). Use online resources to verify whether the roofing businesses have a valid business license, roofing license and current workers’ compensation insurance.

Request a quote from Empire Roofing for your TPO, EPDM, PVC, Built Up Roof, Modified Bituman Roof, Flat Roofing or Green Roofing, and if you have any questions, contact us today.





Recover, Repair or Replace?
Solutions for Damaged Commercial Roofing

While most commercial roofing systems, when properly designed, installed and maintained, are meant for long-term performance, many can and will develop problems during their lifespan. But, no matter how damaged the roof, there are options to correct problems with a commercial roof. Before it can be determined which solution is best suited for a commercial roofing problem, it’s important for commercial roofers to identify a few key factors about the building and the state of the roof damage.

Harris Jordan Investments - Toronto - AFTER

Many issues such as the nature and location of the building, long- and short-term use of the building, occupant requirements, type of roofing system in place, roof insulation and potential moisture problems have to be addressed. Once a commercial roofing company has identified the building requirements and the physical issues affecting roof performance, the decision to recover, repair or replace the roof can made based on the following criteria.

Recovering a Commercial Roof
In the instance that a roof has been properly installed and is in sound condition, the option to recover may be the most effective solution. This may be the case primarily if a roof has good insulation and has not been recovered before since a roof can only be recovered once. Recovering a roof is also more cost-effective and less disruptive than a full roof replacement. Extended or new warranties may also apply when recovering a commercial roof.

Repairing a Commercial Roof
If the roof damages are minor, they can easily be repaired or coated to extend the life of the roof. This is the best solution if the roof membrane and insulation is in good condition and if the building owner would like to keep costs to a minimum.

Replacing a Commercial Roof
If the nature of the roof damage is too extensive to recover or repair, full roof replacement may be the only option. As a rule of thumb, if 25% or more of a roof is damaged, it is best to replace it. Another reason to replace the roof may have to do with the insulation, if it is too wet or not up to par. Other factors to consider when looking into a full roof replacement include the owner’s long-term plans for a building, lower maintenance costs, energy savings and taking advantage of the latest technologies and roofing materials.



From Lambs to Lions – Don’t Wait Until Spring to Re-Roof

March came in like a lion for those who live in southern Ontario, thanks to the hazardous and significant winter storm that came walloping in, dumping approximately 25 cm of snow over Toronto and other areas. If you’re waiting until spring to get that new roof or roof repairs done, better think again. Spring may be a few weeks away, but according to weather forecasts, old man winter may still have a parting shot or two before month’s end. Now, if your roof isn’t in bad shape, this really shouldn’t be an issue. But, if your roof is in need of repair, the inclement weather will only make matters worse.

flat roof snow

We want spring to get here just as much as you do. However, if you wait for March to go out like a lamb before you get any roof work done, there’s a chance those problems will go from lambs to lions. Here’s why you should avoid the costly mistake of waiting until spring, whenever it decides to make an appearance at this rate, to re-roof:


Most people assume that re-roofing shouldn’t be done during the winter months. And, who can blame them? Our winter weather is harsh on roofs and it’s risky and more challenging to perform repairs on a roof during significant snowfalls and extreme cold. However, the seriousness of the roof situation can sometimes outweigh the risk of doing the job in the winter.

Empire Roofing is highly experienced in winter roofing and maintenance. If you suspect there is a problem with your roof, get in touch with us before it’s too late. The structure of your building and the safety of your employees may be compromised. Always remember, your roofing system is your first line of defence against the elements. Avoid any risks, our professional roofing crew will brave the winter elements to ensure your safety.


Winter may be the season of stillness, but it is also the season when all is hidden. When it comes to your roof, this means that just because you don’t see a leak, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. Often commercial, industrial or flat roof leaks go undetected until they cause major damage to your building. Water could be collecting or running down the interior of your walls. When the snow melts during the spring thaw, these roofing leaks could become a major issue and you could end up having to repair or replace more than your roof.

Bite the bullet and call Empire Roofing. We’ll get that roof leak repaired before you experience any interior or structural storms.


The spring roofing rush could mean longer waiting times and difficulty finding commercial and industrial roofing contractors. With increased demand, some roofing companies and roof suppliers may have to turn down work or hire sub-contractors to keep up with all the work, which could end up having an impact on the overall quality of the work. You could also end up paying higher premiums, with prices seeing a rise of 10% or more during the spring. Meanwhile, your roofing issues will just worsen and cost you more to repair.

If you require roof repairs, a roof inspection or roof maintenance before the spring thaw, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Empire Roofing. Our professional, experienced and tireless roofing crew is always ready to ensure that your safety comes first and take pride in serving commercial and industrial properties with our state-of-the-art equipment.

4 Ways To Save Money When Investing In A New Roof

Investing in a new roof offers many benefits to your building and its occupants. It provides increased protection against environmental factors, reduces energy costs, and maximizes the lifespan of your building.

New Roof Saves Your Money

In order to maximize the return on your investment, you need to make sure that you use the proper materials and installation methods. But you can still stay within your budget using these four ways to save money when investing in a new roof.

  1. Do Your Research
  2. Researching all of your options is the first step in saving money when investing in a new roof. You can search online and gather all of the information you’ll need.

    Finding the right commercial roofing company for your building is essential to getting the best results and maximizing the return on your investment. You need a skilled team of roofing experts who can provide all the resources you need to get the most value for your budget.

  3. Get Multiple Estimates
  4. When you find someone to provide an estimate for your new roof, don’t stop there. It’s a good idea to get multiple quotes from different service professionals.

    This doesn’t mean you should base your decision on price, but it does give you an idea of the value you’re being offered for the money you’ll spend. Be sure to let each roofing company know that you are getting multiple bids.

  5. Save During the Off-Season
  6. When the weather’s nice, roofing companies tend to have the most work. Other times of the year can be leveraged by you when you realize that roofing companies have more time and are willing to offer you a better rate.

    Lower bids are common during slow times of the year and many manufacturers offer price reductions on materials.

  7. Choose the Right Roofing Company
  8. The money you can save when investing in a new roof goes beyond the up-front costs. A high-quality roofing system can save you money over time. When properly installed and maintained, your roofing costs will be lower than those required to repair or reinstall an improperly applied roofing system.

    Choosing a roofing professional service with industry expertise and a strong reputation ensures that you make the most out of your investment. They’ll recommend a regular maintenance program and inspect your roof on a regular basis to extend its lifespan, maintain your warranty and prevent costly issues down the line.

These are four great ways to save money when investing in a new commercial roof. Doing your research ensures that you choose the best service professionals at the right price for your budget.