TPO roofing is an increasingly popular choice when it comes to roofing materials on the market, and for good reason.
TPO (meaning thermoplastic olefin) roofing is a roofing membrane that has been around for about 20 years. As a single-ply solution, TPO and its low-slope, three-layer thermoplastic polyolefin membrane offers some distinct advantages over other choices of roofing.
As a modern roofing solution using modern roofing materials, TPO roofing is highly durable and resilient to wear and tear and other impacts of nature. Compared to other thermoplastic membrane solutions, it stands out. This is because TPO will guard against the growth of mold, tears and punctures, and dirt. What’s more, TPO is flexible enough that it will be easily accommodate the structure moving or settling as time goes by.
Handles Heat Fluctuations Well
TPO can also safely handle any thermal expansion or contraction of the building. This means that it works especially well in climates that can see the temperature dip very low, making it a ready solution for buildings location in areas of heat fluctuations. TPO also helps prevent solar heat gain, and is UV resistant – factors that mean it will chop away at your utility bills. TPO also is effective against the so-called “heat island” effect, where built-up communities experience high temperatures.
Cost – Efficient
This one’s key – TPO roofing saves money. Since being introduced on the market, it’s become known as one of the most cost-efficient roofing materials available. Simply put, TPO offers the same pluses as PVC roofing solutions – especially when it comes to energy efficiency – but at a notable lower price point.
Easier to Handle and Install
Unlike other roofing materials, TPO membranes are often wider when it comes to sheet size, and lighter too. These size and weight advantages means less time installing the product TPO also features fewer seams than other materials, and the seams they do have are extra strong due to advantages from the materials used.
Ability To Match Aesthetics
TPO membranes offer several choices when it comes to aesthetics – meaning they’ll more likely match the unique look of your building. Reflective colour options include light grey, black and white.
If you’re considering a TPO roof for your building, contact Empire Roofing today to learn more about its extensive benefits.
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