Did you know that many suppliers of roofing products provide material discounts during ‘off season’ or just prior peak season?
Sometimes up to 10%. Not only that, but good roofers like Empire book up solid through the Summer, so it’s the best time to get your roof done, with no wait and possibly thousands of dollars in savings.
Have the top Firestone Master contractor in Canada and recipient of Firestone’s Inner Circle Award 2013 (the most prestigious roofing designation possible) inspect your roof at no cost or obligation and provide you a quote if you wish to ‘roof early and save’.
This includes a full color, detailed report of your roof condition at no cost or obligation which explains and shows every single issue you have as well as repair options and/ or recommendations for a new roof if required.
An inspection of your roof during the Spring Thaw will ensure that no issues have accumulated over the winter that you are not aware of such as:
• Caulking, sealants cracked
• Damage to the membrane from poor drainage
• Structural issues – snow is heavy.
• Environmental debris in roof drains needs to be cleared to ensure proper drainage.
• Water saturation from thawing that can deteriorate underlying insulation. Left untreated this causes mold and extensive and expensive damage.
• Open membrane seams which cause severe leaks and is most common to happen during Spring thaw.
• Degranulation of field membrane which becomes brittle and then less effective/ durable in long run.
• Loose metal flashings which can fly off of the building causing additional damage.
Book your free roof inspection now whether it’s for a repair or if you need a new roof.
Roof Early and Save.
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